Martine Cyr, Departure. 2010. Charcoal painted on canvas, 36 by 46 in.

Anna VanMatre, White Waves. 2001. Acrylic and synthetic paper, 26" x 40"

very very long and abundant black hair – preferably actual human hair- hanging down the window of a sky-rise building.. (this can be interpreted in various ways; such as hair being cut in little pieces from many eastern women’s heads and these pieces being assembled back to back; and conveying a different meaning than having one piece of hair) - rapunzel
bir gokdelende bir pencereden asagi sarkitilmis upuzun gur siyah saclar mumkunse gercek sac..
(bu farkli yerlere cekilebilir mesela doguya gidip kadinlarin saclarindan ufakufak kesilip bunlar
ucuca eklenebilir ve baska bir boyuta kaydirilabilir)
- rapunzel
an old loft space with high ceilings, the paint on the walls may be old and crumbling or it could also be exactly the opposite, covered with a beautiful gilded wall paper, I’m not sure.. The floor is covered with boiled and crashed pumpkins, and in between here and there lots of Prada and Gucci, etc., trendy shoes covered with the crushed pumpkins and a lots of white mice walking around..There is a thick rope swing coming down the center of the space and a little girl with bare feet is swaying in the air…
- cinderella
yuksek tavanli eski bir loft, duvar boyalari eski dokuk olabilir veya tam tersi cok guzel yaldizli bir duvar kagidi da olabilir bilmiyorum, yerler haslanmis
ve ezilmis pumpkin kapli, aralarinda bir dolu Prada, Gucci vesaire cok moda ayakkabilar ezilmis balkabagina bulanmis duruyolar ve bir suru beyaz fare iclerinde dolaniyo..mekanin ortasindan asagi halat bir salincak iniyo ve ciplak ayakli bir kiz cocugu havada sallaniyo.. - kulkedisi
a sad lady in her fairly old age sitting on an old gothic, maybe rocking, Cassiopeia’s chair, wearing a long, beautiful, lace embroidered wedding dress that has turned pale and yellow from aging and
is in rags in some parts..it’s as if she’s looking out from a thin, long window. Her hair is done in a bun and on her shoulders, her head, her hands, her lap and on the floor, everywhere are live frogs..
- frog prince
a girl looking down looong stairs. Something,
except her coat, is red,maybe her shoes or her lipstick might be bright red, but not her coat..
At the end of the stairs is an old luggage spread open. Scattered around from the luggage is all kinds of viscera; a heart, brains, livers and such and also all kinds of dwarf’s things, I don’t know what these could be, maybe a hood or something but there would be things to make us feel and think dwarfs…
- snow white
yasi geckin huzunlu bir kadin eski gotik bir koltukta belki sallanan sandalyede oturuyo, uzerinde dantel islemeli uzun cok guzel ama eskilikten rengi sararmis bazi yerleri limelime olmus bir gelinlik, sanki yine yuksek tavanli uzun ince bir pencereden disari bakiyor saci topuz omuzunda kafasinda elinde kucaginda yerde gercek kurbagalar var..
- kurbaga prens
uzuuun merdivenlerden asagi bakan bir kiz, paltosu haricinde birseyi kirmizi, belki pabucu yada ruju canli bir kirmizi olabilir ama paltosu degil, merdivenlerin sonunda yere sacilmis eski bir bavul icinden sacilan gercek sakatat kalp ciger beyin vs. v
e aralara sikistirilmis cuce malzemesi bunlarin ne oldugunu bilmiyorum belki bir kukuleta birsey ama cuceleri hissettiren, dusunduren birseyler..
- pamuk prenses

* Please Note: The article above is a response to, and references the Sarah Dotts review - listed below.